About Us
The D-MAN Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of families and individuals with physical and mental disabilities.
Through its signature programs, the D-MAN Music Therapy Studio that provides the emerging breakthrough treatment of music therapy – The Assisted Travel program which provides knowledge, experience, coordination, and financial support for disabled clients to make their travel dreams come true – and through education and other specialty programs – the D-MAN Foundation helps people with disabilities achieve the highest quality of life possible.
The D-MAN Foundation was founded by Ziad Kassab in 2009 in loving memory of his little brother, Danny. In 1993, Danny was hit by a car at the age of 7. After the accident, Danny lived the next 16 years of his life as a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic before passing away.
Although the impact of his accident had life-altering consequences and difficult daily struggles to endure, Danny lived his life with courage, determination and a spirited love of life. He was truly an inspiration to everyone who knew him.
His brothers, Ziad and Calvin, moved mountains to give him the best quality of life possible and we continue to do that for those we serve today.
DMAN Mission
Danny’s Journey
Danny Loved Music

A Message From Our Chairman
Hope through the miracle of music therapy.
Chairman, D-MAN Foundation
AKA: Brother on a Mission to Make Music Therapy Miracles

Your $75 Gift
= 1 Hour Of Music Therapy
Your $150 Gift
= 2 Hours Of Music Therapy
Your $375 Gift
= 5 Hours Of Music Therapy
Your $750 Gift
= 10 Hours Of Music Therapy
Your $1,500 Gift
= 20 Hours Of Music Therapy